Found 78 results
Filters: Author is M. Vannini
C. Detotto, Marselli, R. , Mccannon, B. , and Vannini, M. , Experts and Arbitration Outcomes: Insights from Public Procurement Contract Disputes. 2022.
L. Serra, Detotto, C. , Juan, P. , and Vannini, M. , Intersectoral and spatial spill-overs of firms’ bankruptcy in Spain, LETTERS IN SPATIAL AND RESOURCE SCIENCES, 2022.
M. Silvia Schirru, Vagnoni, E. , Cossu, D. , Arca, P. , Bayer, L. , Franca, A. , Porqueddu, C. , Atzori, A. Stanislao, Lunesu, M. , Sau, P. , Molle, G. , Decandia, M. , Giovannetti, V. , Serra, G. , Contini, S. , Meleddu, M. , Atzeni, G. E. , Concu, G. , Vannini, M. , Usai, D. , Manca, A. , Cocco, G. , Romano, F. , Schirru, P. Duce Matil, Vagnoni, E. , Cossu, D. , Arca, P. , Bayer, L. , Franca, A. , Porqueddu, C. , Atzori, A. Stanislao, Lunesu, M. Francesca, Sau, P. , Molle, G. , Decandia, M. , Giovannetti, V. , Serra, G. , Contini, S. , Meleddu, M. , Atzeni, G. E. , Concu, G. , Vannini, M. , Usai, D. , Manca, A. , Cocco, G. , Romano, F. , and Duce, P. , Paesaggi pastorali sostenibili: quando il latte di pecora è a emissioni 0 - l’esperienza del progetto SheepTOShip LIFE, RETICULA, pp. 19–31, 2022.
M. Silvia Schirru, Vagnoni, E. , Cossu, D. , Arca, P. , Bayer, L. , Franca, A. , Porqueddu, C. , Atzori, A. Stanislao, Lunesu, M. , Sau, P. , Molle, G. , Decandia, M. , Giovannetti, V. , Serra, G. , Contini, S. , Meleddu, M. , Atzeni, G. E. , Concu, G. , Vannini, M. , Usai, D. , Manca, A. , Cocco, G. , Romano, F. , Schirru, P. Duce Matil, Vagnoni, E. , Cossu, D. , Arca, P. , Bayer, L. , Franca, A. , Porqueddu, C. , Atzori, A. Stanislao, Lunesu, M. Francesca, Sau, P. , Molle, G. , Decandia, M. , Giovannetti, V. , Serra, G. , Contini, S. , Meleddu, M. , Atzeni, G. E. , Concu, G. , Vannini, M. , Usai, D. , Manca, A. , Cocco, G. , Romano, F. , and Duce, P. , Paesaggi pastorali sostenibili: quando il latte di pecora è a emissioni 0 - l’esperienza del progetto SheepTOShip LIFE, RETICULA, pp. 19–31, 2022.
L. Serra, Detotto, C. , and Vannini, M. , Public lands as a mitigator of wildfire burned area using a spatio-temporal model applied in Sardinia, LETTERS IN SPATIAL AND RESOURCE SCIENCES, vol. 15, pp. 621–635, 2022.
M. Vannini, Detotto, C. , and Mccannon, B. , Ransom Kidnapping, in Encyclopedia of Law and Economics, New York, NY: Springer, 2022.
C. Detotto, Meleddu, M. , and Vannini, M. , Choosing pictures at an exhibition: do identity values influence the willingness to pay for art?, REVIEW OF SOCIAL ECONOMY, pp. 1–18, 2020.
G. Concu, Atzeni, G. E. , Meleddu, M. , and Vannini, M. , Policy design for climate change mitigation and adaptation in sheep farming: Insights from a study of the knowledge transfer chain, Environmental Science & Policy, vol. 107, pp. 99-113, 2020.
G. Concu, Atzeni, G. E. , Meleddu, M. , and Vannini, M. , Policy design for climate change mitigation and adaptation in sheep farming: Insights from a study of the knowledge transfer chain, ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE & POLICY, vol. 107, pp. 99–113, 2020.
M. G. Brandano, Detotto, C. , and Vannini, M. , Comparative efficiency of agricultural cooperatives and conventional firms in a sample of quasi-twin companies, Annals of Public and Cooperative Economics, vol. 90, no. 1, pp. 53-76, 2019.
M. G. Brandano, Detotto, C. , and Vannini, M. , Comparative efficiency of agricultural cooperatives and conventional firms in a sample of quasi-twin companies, Annals of Public and Cooperative Economics, vol. 90, no. 1, pp. 53-76, 2019.
M. A. R. I. A. G. I. O. V. A. N. N. A. Brandano, Detotto, C. , and Vannini, M. , Comparative efficiency of agricultural cooperatives and conventional firms in a sample of quasi-twin companies, ANNALS OF PUBLIC AND COOPERATIVE ECONOMICS, vol. 90, pp. 53–76, 2019.
C. Detotto, Serra, L. , and Vannini, M. , Did specialised courts affect the frequency of business bankruptcy petitions in Spain?, European Journal of Law and Economics, vol. 47, no. 1, pp. 125-145, 2019.
M. Vannini, Detotto, C. , and Mccannon, B. , Ransom Kidnapping, in Encyclopedia of Law and Economics, New York: Springer, 2019, pp. 1756–1766.
G. E. Atzeni, Concu, G. , Meleddu, M. , and Vannini, M. , Sul valore ricreativo del Parco Nazionale dell'Asinara - AMP: stime preliminari nel quadro della contabilità economico-ambientale, in Asinara: un parco a forma d'isola (edited by P. P. Congiatu and V. Gazale), Sassari: Carlo Delfino Editore, 2019.
M. G. Brandano, Detotto, C. , and Vannini, M. , Wine routes and efficiency of wineries in Sardinia, in Agritourism, Wine Tourism, and Craft Beer Tourism (Edited by M.G. Pezzi, A. Faggian, N. Reid), London & New York: Routledge, 2019.
R. Marselli, Scano, A. D. , and Vannini, M. , Arbitrato e consulenza tecnica: riscontri empirici da un campione di casi della Camera di Commercio di Milano, in Errori cognitivi e arbitrato (Edited by S. Azzali, U. Morera, G. Rojas Elgueta), Bologna: Il Mulino, 2018.
C. Detotto, Serra, L. , and Vannini, M. , Did specialised courts affect the frequency of business bankruptcy petitions in Spain?, EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF LAW AND ECONOMICS, vol. 47, pp. 125–145, 2018.
C. Detotto, Meleddu, M. , and Vannini, M. , Cultural identity and willingness to protect and preserve art, WORKING PAPERS CRENoS, vol. 2017_02. 2017.
C. Detotto, Meleddu, M. , and Vannini, M. , Cultural identity and willingness to protect and preserve art. 2017.
S. Balia, Atzeni, G. E. , Biagi, B. , Brandano, M. A. R. I. A. G. I. O. V. A. N. N. A. , Brau, R. , Cerina, F. , Deidda, L. Gabriele, Dettori, B. , Etzo, I. , Fadda, N. , Foddi, M. , Giua, M. , Hamadi, M. , Iorio, M. , Marica, S. , Marrocu, E. , Pinna, A. N. N. A. M. A. R. I. A. , Renoldi, S. , Statzu, V. , Sulis, G. , Usai, S. , Vannini, M. , and Zara, A. , ECONOMIA DELLA SARDEGNA 24° Rapporto 2017.. CUEC, Cagliari, pp. 1–129, 2017.
P. Vassallo, Paoli, C. , Addis, P. , Atzori, F. , Burgos-Juan, E. , Campodonico, P. , Cappanera, V. , Dapueto, G. , Deiana, A. , Fanciulli, G. , Gazale, V. , Lavarello8, I. , Massa, F. , Mazza, G. , Navone6, A. , Panzalis, P. , Pasolli, L. , Pozzi, M. , Rizza, R. , Sabatini3, A. , Scarpellini, P. , Valerani, C. , Vannini, M. , Venturini, S. , Zanello, A. , and Povero, P. , Natural capital assessment of six Italian Marine Protected Areas, BIOLOGIA MARINA MEDITERRANEA, vol. 24, pp. 75–76, 2017.
C. Paoli, Povero, P. , Burgos-Juan, E. , Campodonico, P. , Dapueto, G. , Fanciulli, G. , Gazale, V. , Lavarello, I. , Massa, F. , Pozzi, M. , Scarpellini, P. , Valerani, C. , Vannini, M. , Venturini, S. , Zanello, A. , and Vassallo, P. , Recreational users in Portofino, Cinque Terre and Asinara MPAs: preferences and WTP in the context of environmental accounting, BIOLOGIA MARINA MEDITERRANEA, vol. 24, pp. 65–66, 2017.
R. Marselli, Mccannon, B. , and Vannini, M. , Bargaining in the shadow of arbitration, Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization, vol. 117, pp. 356-368, 2015.
R. Marselli, Mccannon, B. , and Vannini, M. , Barganing in the shadow of arbitration, JOURNAL OF ECONOMIC BEHAVIOR & ORGANIZATION, vol. 117, pp. 356–368, 2015.
C. Detotto, Mccannon, B. , and Vannini, M. , Evidence of Marginal Deterrence: Kidnapping and Murder in Italy, International Review of Law and Economics, vol. 41, no. March, pp. 63-67, 2015.
C. Detotto, Mccannon, B. , and Vannini, M. , Evidence of marginal deterrence: Kidnapping and murder in Italy, INTERNATIONAL REVIEW OF LAW AND ECONOMICS, vol. 41, pp. 63–67, 2015.
R. Marselli, Scano, A. , and Vannini, M. , L’arbitrato alla prova dei dati: un'analisi empirica sui procedimenti amministrati dalla camera arbitrale di Milano, Rivista Trimestrale di Diritto e Procedura Civile, vol. LXIX, no. 3, pp. 1011-1045, 2015.
M. A. R. I. A. G. I. O. V. A. N. N. A. Brandano, Meleddu, M. , and Vannini, M. , La valutazione economica dei beni culturali: il caso dei Giganti di Mont’e Prama, Temi Economici della Sardegna-Quaderni di Lavoro, vol. 1. 2015.
M. Vannini, Detotto, C. , and Mccannon, B. , Ransom Kidnapping, in Encyclopedia of Law and Economics, J. G. Backhaus, Ed. New York: Springer, 2015.
M. Vannini, Detotto, C. , and Mccannon, B. , Ransom Kidnapping, in Encyclopedia of Law and Economics, New York: Springer, 2015.
C. Detotto, Mccannon, B. , and Vannini, M. , Understanding Ransom Kidnappings and Their Duration, The B.E. Journal of Economic Analysis and Policy, vol. 14, no. 3, pp. 849-872, 2014.
R. Marselli, Mccannon, B. , and Vannini, M. , Bargaining in the Shadow of Arbitration. 2013.
R. Marselli, Mccannon, B. , and Vannini, M. , Bargaining in the Shadow of Arbitration, CONTRIBUTI DI RICERCA CRENOS, pp. 1–29, 2013.
C. Detotto, Mccannon, B. , and Vannini, M. , A Note on Marginal Deterrence: Evidence. 2013.
C. Detotto, Mccannon, B. , and Vannini, M. , A Note on Marginal Deterrence: Evidence. 2013.
M. G. Brandano, Detotto, C. , and Vannini, M. , Comparative efficiency of producer cooperatives and conventional firms in a sample of quasi-twin companies. 2012.
M. A. R. I. A. G. I. O. V. A. N. N. A. Brandano, Detotto, C. , and Vannini, M. , Comparative efficiency of producer cooperatives and conventional firms in a sample of quasi-twin companies, CONTRIBUTI DI RICERCA CRENOS, vol. 28, pp. 1–25, 2012.
M. Vannini, Protected areas and economic policy in Sardinia, in MEDITERRANEAN MARINE PROTECTED AREAS : FUNDING AND ECONOMIC VALUE, 2012.
C. Detotto, Vannini, M. , and Mccannon, B. , Understanding Ransom Kidnapping and Its Duration. 2012.
M. A. R. I. A. G. I. O. V. A. N. N. A. Brandano and Vannini, M. , Economia del vino in Sardegna, in Il vino in Sardegna, 3000 anni di storia, cultura, tradizione e innovazione, NUORO: Ilisso Edizioni, 2011, pp. 449–465.
M. G. Brandano and Vannini, M. , Economia del vino in Sardegna, in IL VINO IN SARDEGNA: 3000 anni di storia, cultura, tradizione e innovazione, A. Saderi, Ed. Nuoro: ILISSO, 2011, pp. 449-468.
C. Detotto and Vannini, M. , Counting the cost of crime in Italy. 2010.
C. Detotto and Vannini, M. , Counting the cost of crime in Italy, Global Crime, vol. 11, no. 4, pp. 421-435, 2010.
M. Vannini and Detotto, C. , Counting the cost of crime in Italy, vol. 2010. Cagliari: CRENoS-CUEC, 2010.
M. Vannini, "Grand Canyon e dintorni", in Paesaggi perduti. Sardegna, la bellezza violata., Cagliari: CUEC Editrice, 2009, pp. 105–111.
B. Biagi, Pulina, M. , and Vannini, M. , Connessioni empiriche tra domanda ed offerta, in Rapporto sul Turismo in Sardegna, SASSARI: Carlo Delfino Editore, 2008, pp. 147–162.
