Social capital and regional economic disparities

General information
Financing body 
Regione Autonoma della Sardegna - L.R. 7/2007
Project leader 
Scientific referee
F. Pigliaru
Project cycle 
13/06/2012 to 13/06/2015
JEL codes
Health, Education, and Welfare (I)
The research explores the links between social capital formation and growth processes. More specifically, (1) the role of social capital in regional convergence; (2) the role of social capital in the growth process at country level; (3) the factors that affect the process of capital accumulation, with a particular emphasis on the determinants of social participation choices of individuals and the role played by gender differences. The main objective of the research is to highlight some of the mechanisms that can affect the accumulation of capital, and therefore economic growth, paying particular attention to feedback effects, positive or negative, that economic growth and technological progress may have on the capital accumulation process. In particular, we will examine the factors that affect the time allocation choices between production/consumption of relational goods and production/consumption of private goods and the effects of these choices have on the capital accumulation process. This analysis should allow to highlight any detrimental mechanisms through which economic growth and technological progress might inhibit the accumulation of social capital, thus hindering the sustainability of the growth process (Antoci and Bartolini 1999 Bartolini and Bonatti 2002 Antoci et al. 2005, 2007 , 2012b).   Scientific referee: Francesco Pigliaru ( and Angelo Antoci (  The project is funded by Regione Autonoma della Sardegna (L.R. 7/2007).  

Dipartimento di Economia, Impresa e Regolamentazione - Università di Sassari.

Staff progetto
F. Pigliaru; J. de Dios Tena; A. Di Liberto; M. Sideri; L. Mauro; A. Antoci; E. Addis; N. Bellanca