Measuring Productivity

TitleMeasuring Productivity
Publication TypeWorking Paper
Year of Publication2008
AuthorsDel Gatto, M, Di Liberto, A, Petraglia, C
Keywordsdea, endogeneity, gmm, growth accounting, olley, productivity measurement, selection bias, simultaneity, solow residual, stochastic frontier analysis, tfp

Quantifying productivity is a conditio sine qua non for empirical analysis in a number of research fields. The identification of the measure that best fits with the specific goals of the analysis, as well as being data-driven, is currently complicated by the fact that an array of methodologies is available. This paper provides economic researchers with an up-to-date overview of issues and relevant solutions associated with this choice. Methods of productivity measurement are surveyed and classified according to three main criteria: i) macro/micro; ii) frontier/non-frontier; iii) deterministic/econometric

Citation Key1249
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