Aula Magna - Faculty of Economics
Via Sant'Ignazio 74, Cagliari
Presentation of the paper Language, meaning and games
Speaker Stefano Demichelis University of Pavia On Monday 11 May at 12:00 Aula Magna - Faculty of Economics
Abstract Language is a powerful coordination device. We generalize the cheap-talk approach to pre-play communication by way of introducing a meaning correspondence between messages and actions, and by postulating two axioms met by natural languages. Players have a lexicographic preference, second to material payoffs, against deviating from the meaning correspondence. Under two-sided communication in generic and symmetric n x n-coordination games, a Nash equilibrium component in such a lexicographic communication game is evolutionarily stable if and only if it results in the unique Pareto efficient outcome of the underlying game. We extend the analysis to one-sided communication in arbitrary finite two-player games.
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