Workshop on Policy Evaluation

07/04/2008 - 13:00 to 19:00

The theme of the Evaluation of Public Policies, in which the world of scientific research, but not limited to, lends increasing attention has been the subject of a workshop held in Cagliari April 7. The relevance of the topics covered and the speakers have decreed the success of this debate to which the CRENoS to grant more space in the future.



Alessandra Mura (Osservatorio Economico della Sardegna)
Do local taxes on yachts affect going ashore decisions? Evidence from 2005-06 Sardinian data.
Marco Caliendo (IZA - Institute for the Study of Labor)
Start-Up Subsidies in East Germany: Finally, a Policy that Works
Erich Battistin (University of Padova)
Incentivising Employers to train Low-Skilled Workers: Evidence from the UK Employer Training Pilots
Fabiano Schivardi (University of Cagliari, CEPR and CRENoS)
Entry Barriers in Retail Trade