Aula Magna, Faculty of Economics
Via Sant'Ignazio 74, Cagliari
Presentation of the paper
Does immigration raise blue and white collar wages of natives?
Speaker Stefano Staffolani Università Politecnica delle Marche
On Monday 25 May at 12:00 Aula Magna - Faculty of Economics
Abstract This paper analyses theoretically and empirically the eects of immigration on the wage rate of native workers. Empirical literature rarely nds that immigration generates a fall in the wages of manual workers. The theoretical model presented in this paper justies those results, by hypothesizing an economic system where advanced rms buy an intermediate good from traditional rms, which employ manual workers in both clean and dirty tasks, the latter being more disliked by native workers. We conclude that native skilled wages always increase whereas native unskilled wages can both increase or decrease with immigration. An empirical analysis of the Italian labour market follows, showing that all native workers' wages rise with immigration
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