13 JULY, 2015
14.30 - 14.45 Welcoming Address
14.45 - 16.45 The costs imposed by the geography of land discontinuity
Chair: Anna M Pinna (Un. of Cagliari)
- A taxonomy on Insularity (Vania Licio and Anna M Pinna, Un. of Cagliari)
- Insularity and trade costs: from islands of the world to the Italian provinces (Luca De Benedictis, Un. of Macerata and Anna M Pinna)
- Insularity and the impact of geographical and cultural distance (Carlo Mastinu, Un. ofCagliari, and Massimo del Gatto, Un. of Pescara)
- Insularity in the European Union: accessibility and maritime transport (Italo Meloniand Benedetta Sanjust di Teulada, Un. of Cagliari)
- Insularity and the development of a regional transport network: a simulation model applied to Sardinia (Fabio Cerina, Luisanna Cocco, Katiuscia Mannaro, Michele Marchesi, Un. di Cagliari)
- Access to energy networks (Concetta Rau, Nomisma)
(Discussant: Alan Winters, University of Brighton)
16.45 - 17.00 Coffee Break
17.00 - 19.00 Non-monetary costs of insularity
Chair: Stefano Usai (Un. of Cagliari)
- The diffusion of Esselunga, economies of density and insularity (Luisanna Cocco, Manuela Deidda, Michele Marchesi, Un. of Cagliari)
- Size and productivity in the retail sector in Italy (Carlo Mastinu, Un. of Cagliari, andMassimo del Gatto, Un. of Pescara)
- Regional patterns in the performance of Italian businesses (Carola Casti, Manuela Deidda, Un. of Cagliari, Massimo Del Gatto, Sergio De Nardis, Nomisma, Anna M Pinna)
- Case study of retail group Conad in Sardinia (Concetta Rau and Sergio de Nardis,Nomisma)
(Discussants: Gianmarco Ottaviano, University of Bologna)
14 JULY, 2015
8.45 - 11.30 The costs of Insularity: Policy Implications and Recommendation
Chair: Emanuela Marrocu (CRENoS Director)
Research Results and Policy Issues (Anna Maria Pinna, Un. of Cagliari)
- Andres Rodriguez Pose (LSE)
- Alan Winters (Brighton)
- Gianmarco Ottaviano (Bologna)
- Alexis Chatzimpiros (Conference of Peripheral Maritime Regions of Europe)
- Francesco Pigliaru (Presidente Regione Sardegna)