Aula Magna - Facoltà di Economia
Via S. Ignazio, 74 - Cagliari
Presentation of the paper
The Effects of Payoff-Irrelevant Cues in Dynamic Bargaining Problems
Andrea Isoni
University of Cagliari
Andrea Isoni (University of Cagliari)
We investigate the effects of payoff-irrelevant cues in bargaining games with communication. In an experimental design in which two players bargain over the division of a surplus by claiming valuable objects whose spatial location offers easily recognisable cues, we pit Schelling’s hypothesis that such cues can make communication redundant against the intuition that coordination of expectations occurs through cheap talk. We find that communication is very powerful, leading to high levels of efficiency. Regardless of whether inefficient divisions are salient or not, they are extremely rare. Yet, in line with Schelling’s hypothesis, spatial cues have systematic distributional effects.
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