The Economy of Sardinia. Analysis, comparisons and prospects.

23/06/2008 - 13:00 to 16:00
The 15th Report on the Economy of Sardinia provided an opportunity for a comparison with the results of research conducted by the Bank of Italy on similar themes. Indeed, June 23 in Sassari was held for the first time, a debate which was also given the contribution the Institute Tagliacarne and Confindustria and that was a moment of reflection and inspiration for new areas that could become the subject of research.
Marco Vannini, CRENoS researcher and DEIR Director (University of Sassari)
Raberto Rassu and Francesco Sias, Bank of Italy
Anna Maria Pinna, CRENoS researcher
Luca Paolazzi, Confindustria
Giuseppe Capuano, Istituto Tagliacarne