Seminar CRENoS - Dipartimento Economia - Giorgio Ricchiuti

28/02/2012 - 12:00 to 14:00


Aula Magna Economia

Via S. Ignazio 74, Cagliari 


Presentation of the paper

Location, Internationalization and Performance of Firms in Italy: a Multilevel Approach




Giorgio Ricchiuti

Università di Firenze 





Giorgia Giovannetti- Dipartimento Scienze Economiche, Università di Firenze

Giorgio Ricchiuti - Dipartimento Scienze Economiche, Università di Firenze

Margherita Velucchi - Dipartimento di Statistica “G. Parenti”, Università di Firenze



Competition is increasingly global. However, location still matters: often firms cluster in the same geographic areas in order to exploit locational externalities and improve their competitiveness. This paper analyzes how Italian firms' performance, proxied by their propensity to export, depends both on geographical and institutional context and on individual characteristics. Using a multilevel approach, we estimate and distinguish the effect of individual (firm level) and context (province level) variables on the performance of internationalized Italian firms. We show that both firms and province heterogeneity shape the results.




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