Jean Monnet Chair – First module 2013/2014

09/12/2013 - 10:00 to 20/12/2013 - 14:00

Seminar in Integration European Issues (partecipation allowed after registration - max 20 attendant)


•          9 December, h 10-13

–        Prof. Christian Rossi

European Union from the beginning to 2013

•          10 december, h 10-13

–        Dott. Antonello Chessa, CRP RAS

European strategy Horizon 2020

•          12 december, h 9.30-13.30  and 17 december, h 9-12

–        Dott. Annamaria D’Angelo, Interforum
          Dott. Luca Melis, Poliste

Learning by doing: European project cycle management

•          20 december, h 10-13

–        Dott. Roberto Doneddu, Bruxelles Office, RAS

European Union, governance system from within